Thursday, June 4, 2015

And for some time lay sprawling helpless in the dirt

And for some time lay sprawling helpless in the dirt

And for some time lay sprawling helpless in the dirt

In the hubbub, a man named Robert Telford, an auctioneer, was knocked over by a sudden swerve of the ponderous chain which fastened the bull, and for some time lay sprawling helpless in the dirt. He had a narrow escape from being tossed in the air, boots uppermost, or else savagely gored.

Scarcely had the barking and growling of the dogs subsided, or the yelling and shouting of the assembled rabble died away, when one of the onlookers, who had been somewhat disappointed in the scenes enacted, pronounced it to be but "a tamish sort of affair, after all!" A local celebrity, also, on leaving the ground, delivered himself of the following opinion, in slow pompous tones: "Bad baitbad bait! Bull too gross!"the meaning of which was that the bull was too fat to display that ferocity and activity which some of the spectators had expected it would have done.

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